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Wildlife | Nevada Land Trust


We’re committed to protecting Nevada’s wild spaces and wild creatures.

Seeing wild animals in their natural habitat is a unique gift Nevada gives us. In a variety of breathtaking landscapes — from high desert outcroppings to dense alpine forests — we are able to experience Nevada’s native species, from black bear to sage grouse, yellow-legged frogs to bighorn sheep.

Nevada Land Trust (NLT) has been working to protect and enhance Nevada’s wildlife habitats and healthy populations to the delight of wildlife enthusiasts since 1998. Collaborating with different user groups and government agencies, NLT has helped keep Nevada wild for all of us to enjoy.

40 completed and in-process NLT projects help to protect and preserve wildlife.


Barber Creek
Big Springs Meadow
Black Canyon
Corkill Ranch
David E. Moore Bird & Wildlife Sanctuary
Dry Valley
Galena Creek Regional Park Expansion
Granite Hills/White Lake
Greater Hart-Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge - 6 Acquisitions
High Rock / Hardin City
Jacks Valley Ranch
Jobs Peak
McEwen Creek/McCleary Ranch
Old Winters Ranch
Rusk Ranch
Shipley Meadows
Silver Lake - Coon
Silver Lake - L-Pond Wetland
Silver Lake - Lear
South Fork Humboldt River Conservation Initiative
Swan Lake Nature Study Area
Tahoe Meadows / Sheep Flat
Toll Road Canyon
Tonkin Ranch
Upper Clear Creek


Ring-Necked Pheasant