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WHAT WE PROTECT | Nevada Land Trust


Nevada is a very special place. We work to keep it that way.

Preserving and protecting Nevada’s special places is a team effort. Nevada Land Trust is a member of that team, along with generous landowners, state agencies, heritage organizations, wildlife conservation groups and private businesses. If you value Nevada’s open spaces and special places, you too are a member of the team. Because protecting and preserving what we love takes all of us.


Barber Creek
Bartley - Anderson Regional Park Expansion
Big Springs Meadow
Black Canyon
Buffalo Hills
Bull Wheel/Incline Flume Trail
Carson River Canyon
Corkill Ranch
David E. Moore Bird & Wildlife Sanctuary
Dry Valley
Eagle View
Galena Creek Regional Park Expansion
Galena Creek Trailhead
Genoa Peak
Granite Hills/White Lake
Greater Hart-Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge - 6 Acquisitions
Greil Ranch
High Rock / Hardin City
Home Camp
Hunter Creek Trailhead
Hwy 50 Trail Connector (Fagen)
Jacks Valley Ranch
Jobs Peak
McEwen Creek/McCleary Ranch
Old Winters Ranch
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park Expansion/Thornton
Rosewood Canyon West
Rusk Ranch
Shipley Meadows
Silver Lake - Coon
Silver Lake - L-Pond Wetland
Silver Lake - Lear
South Fork Humboldt River Conservation Initiative
Swan Lake Nature Study Area
Tahoe Meadows / Sheep Flat
Toll Road Canyon
Tonkin Ranch
Truckee River Flood Project/Greenbelt - 11 Acquisitions
Upper Ash Canyon
Upper Clear Creek
Wall Canyon


Greil Land