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Nevada Heritage | Nevada Land Trust

Nevada Heritage

Nevada’s heritage is written in our land. We’re committed to preserving it.

They say those who don’t study history are doomed to repeat it. Similarly, those who don’t preserve it are doomed to lose it. Nevada’s ranching and farming heritage are at risk of disappearing without committed efforts to save our historic ranchlands and farm buildings.

Since its founding in 1998, Nevada Land Trust (NLT) has worked to preserve historic places and spaces.


Bartley - Anderson Regional Park Expansion
Big Springs Meadow
Black Canyon
Buffalo Hills
Corkill Ranch
Dry Valley
Genoa Peak
Granite Hills/White Lake
Greater Hart-Sheldon National Wildlife Refuge - 6 Acquisitions
High Rock / Hardin City
Home Camp
Rancho San Rafael Regional Park Expansion/Thornton
Rusk Ranch
Shipley Meadows
Silver Lake - L-Pond Wetland
South Fork Humboldt River Conservation Initiative
Tahoe Meadows / Sheep Flat
Toll Road Canyon
Tonkin Ranch
Upper Clear Creek
Wall Canyon


Old Winters Ranch